
Doosan have confirmed two foreign pitchers for next season

The Doosan Bears of the Korean Baseball Organization (KBO) have confirmed two foreign pitchers for next season. 두산은 신규 외국인 선수 몸값 상한액(100만 달러)으로 메이저리그 경력을 지닌 오른손과 왼손 파이어볼러 듀오를 영입했다. 올 시즌 외국인 투수들의 부상과 부진으로 애를 먹었던…

Eom Sang-baek, got off to an “epic” start this season

Eom Sang-baek, 28, got off to an “epic” start this season. 4월까지 총 7경기에서 1승6패에 머물렀다. 4월 나온 5경기에서 모두 5이닝 이상을 소화했지만, 좀처럼 승리와 인연이 닿지 않았다. 엄상백에는 그 어느때보다 중요한 시기. 시즌을 정상적으로 마치면 FA 자격을 얻는 만큼…

Sol Bamba has died at the age of 39.

Former English Premier League and Ivory Coast international defender Sol Bamba has died at the age of 39. Turkish club Adanaspor announced the news of the technical director’s passing in a statement on its official social media accounts on Monday…

‘Monster back bigger and better’

‘The Monster’ Elling Holland, 24, Manchester City, is on a ‘hat-trick in two games’ spree. He has seven goals in “three games” since the start of the English Premier League (EPL). Holland scored a hat-trick from the front line against…