
Korean Air Jumbos head coach Tommy Tilikainen received some good news.

The Hyundai Capital Skywalkers announced today that it has appointed French coach Philippe Blain as its new head coach to lead the team from next season.

Blain will officially take over as head coach of Hyundai Capital in August 2024, after the Paris Olympics, and will serve a three-year term.

“Philippe Blanc has served as the head coach of the national teams and club teams of several volleyball powerhouses,” the organization said, “He was responsible for transforming the Japanese national team into a world powerhouse and has a deep understanding of Asian volleyball, 바카라사이트 which makes him the right person to lead Hyundai Capital.”

“With Blanc at the helm, the Skywalkers will take a new leap forward by actively incorporating the strategies and systems of the world’s most advanced volleyball organizations,” the organization added.

Blanc was the head coach of the French men’s national team from 2001 to 2012, and the head coach of the Polish men’s national team from 2013 to 2016.

Tilikainen has a history with Japan.

Tilikainen was the head coach of the Japanese Wolfdogs Nagoya from 2017 to 2020. In 2017, Blanc was named head coach of the Japan men’s national team, a position he held until 2022. Japan finished third in the Volleyball Nations League (VNL) in 2023 and qualified for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

A welcome face to see in Korea after leaving Japan. “I have a personal relationship with Japan,” Tilikainen said before the match against KB Insurance on Sunday. I sent him a text. I said, ‘See you soon,'” he said, adding, “I think it’s good news. Blanc has done a good job in his role as a national team coach.”

“I am honored to join the Hyundai Capital Skywalkers, 토토사이트 추천 a prestigious club in Korean professional volleyball,” said Blanc, “I will do my best to help the team achieve the best possible results based on my coaching experience.”

“I am very excited to experience Korean volleyball in a new way and look forward to my time in Korea,” said Blanc.


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